Dogs eating dirt is a behaviour that baffles many pet owners and often leaves them wondering, “Why do dogs eat soil or dirt? But unfortunately, many dogs will consume significant quantities of soil daily.
While there are a few speculated reasons for this behaviour, the actual reasons dogs eat dirt are still not fully understood, and several potential explanations have been proposed. This blog post will discuss five of the most likely reasons why dogs eat dirt.
Risk Of Eat Soil In Dogs
While it might not taste good, dogs often find dirt delicious. And in moderation, there’s no need to worry about them indulging their taste for dirt.
However, there are some potential risks to consider. First, eating dirt can lead to intestinal blockages, as the soil is not digestible. In addition, dirt may contain harmful bacteria or parasites that can make your dog sick.
- Read also: Fleas and other parasites.
If you notice your dog eats soil or dirt regularly, you must take them to the vet for a checkup. Occasionally eating small amounts of dirt is not likely to cause severe problems, but taking extra precautions is always better.
1. Why do Dogs Eat Soil? A Lack of Certain Nutrients
One of the most common reasons dogs eat dirt is because they lack certain nutrients in their diet. So if your dog isn’t getting enough of the vitamins and minerals from its food, it may eat dirt to supplement its diet.
It is most commonly seen in puppies or older dogs who may have trouble digesting their food properly. If you suspect your dog may be eating dirt due to a lack of nutrients, talk to your veterinarian about switching to a nutrient-rich diet or adding supplements to their diet.
2. Why do Dogs Eat Soil? An Upset Stomach
An upset stomach could also be a result of dirt-eating. If your dog feels nauseous or has consumed anything that doesn’t digest well, it may try to settle its stomach by eating a small amount of dirt.
This behaviour is usually seen after your dog has eaten something it shouldn’t have, such as garbage or table scraps. If you think your dog’s upset stomach is why they’re eating dirt, keep an eye on them and contact your veterinarian if its symptoms persist or worsen.
3. Boredom or Anxiety

In some cases, dogs may eat dirt out of boredom or anxiety. For example, if your dog doesn’t have enough to do during the day or isn’t getting enough exercise, it may become quite bored and start looking for ways to entertain itself—one of which may be eating dirt.
Dogs who are anxious or stressed may also start eating dirt as a way to self-soothe and calm themselves down.
If you think your dog is bored or anxious, try increasing their exercise time and providing them with more interactive toys and games to keep their mind occupied throughout the day.
4. Why do Dogs Eat Soil? Dogs Love The Smell Of Dirt
All dogs love to roll around in the dirt, but have you ever wondered why? It turns out that there are a few reasons why dirt smells and tastes good to dogs.
Firstly, dirt contains all sorts of interesting smells that can be irresistible to dogs. They can pick up on these smells more strongly when they roll in the dirt.
In addition, dirt contains ions that can make it taste salty or sweet to dogs. These ions can come from things like decomposing leaves or animal urine.
Some experts believe that dirt-eating behaviour may be a throwback to their wild ancestors, who would have needed to consume small amounts of soil to stay healthy.
Finally, some dogs enjoy the feeling of dirt on their skin. But whatever the reason, there is no doubt that rolling in the dirt is one of a dog’s favourite activities.
5. Curiosity
Last but not least, it’s possible that your dog is curious about the taste and texture of dirt and wants to see what all the fuss is about!
While this behaviour isn’t necessarily harmful in moderation, it’s essential to ensure your dog isn’t consuming too much dirt—which could lead to gastrointestinal issues like constipation or diarrhoea.
Ensure that dogs always have access to fresh water, so they don’t become dehydrated. If you’re concerned about how much dirt your dog eats daily, talk to your veterinarian for guidance on how much is too much for your pet.
How To Prevent Your Dog From Eating Soil?
Eating dirt may not seem like a big deal to us, but it can be quite dangerous for dogs. In addition to ingesting harmful bacteria, dogs can develop gastrointestinal issues if they overeat dirt.
You can take a few simple steps to prevent your dog from eating dirt. First, ensure your dog has access to various other foods and that its diet is rich, well-balanced, and has all the required nutrients.
A healthy diet will help to reduce the urge to eat non-food items. If they’re always hungry, they may be more likely to nibble on whatever they can find- including dirt.
Secondly, provide your dog with numerous toys and chewable treats to keep them occupied. If they have something else to focus on, they’ll be less likely to pay attention to the dirt.
Finally, take your dog for regular walks to get fresh air and exercise, keep an eye on them when they’re outside, and discourage them from eating any dirt they find.
Finally, please provide them with their designated area to dig in, so they don’t need to eat the dirt in your yard. Following these simple tips can help keep your dog safe and healthy.
Final Thoughts
While there are various reasons why dogs might eat dirt, the most likely explanation is that they’re trying to fulfil a nutritional need—such as a lack of specific vitamins and minerals in their diet.
Suppose you think your dog might be eating dirt due to an underlying health issue. In that case, it’s essential to take your dog to the veterinarian so they can rule out any medical conditions and guide you on how best to address the issue.
Otherwise, as long as your dog has access to fresh water and isn’t consuming too much dirt daily, there’s no need for concern!
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