Dogs cry tears when owner returns home. A study suggests that dogs may call when their owners come home. In addition, a small study has found that dogs can cry tears of joy when reunited with their owners.
The Japanese researchers said dogs could be enthusiastic when seeing their human companions after a long absence. In addition, tears are believed to deepen the bond between dogs and their owners. Based on the behaviour of 22 dogs, the study examined their reactions when reunited with their owners and other people they knew.
Academics from Azabu University and Jichi Medical University placed paper strips under the dogs’ eyes during everyday interaction with their owners one minute before reuniting with them after five to seven hours of separation.
They found when the dogs saw their owners, it was the only time they cried. There was not the same level of increased tear production when the dogs were reunited with people they knew but were not their owners.
Dogs cry. Researchers applied a solution containing oxytocin to dogs

To see if tears were linked to their emotions, the researchers applied a solution containing oxytocin, an essential hormone involved in bonding, to the dogs.
After using the hormone, they found that the dogs’ tears were significantly increased. Although it is known that dogs cry to keep their tear ducts clean, it has not been linked to their emotional response before. While owners may be more familiar with their ecstatic pets’ tail wagging or face licking, a dog’s tears can also affect their human companion.
The gaze of a dog stimulates the secretion of oxytocin, making owners more affectionate or protective of their pets. The scientists also found that owners felt more desire to care for their pets when they saw them with tears in their eyes. “Their tears could play a role in deepening mutual relationships and further leading to interspecies bonding,” the researchers wrote.
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