Taka Dog survived a fire and became a therapy dog. Taka’s dog-faced hell: he survived a fire, is now an example to all, and has become the hero of the web. The story we tell you today comes from Georgia, in the United States, but it soon appeared worldwide. The protagonist is a wonderful Shiba Inu named Taka, who saw his life crumble after a terrible fire broke out in his home.

His courage and temperament, however, allowed him not only to get back on his feet but also to become an example for victims of accidents like his.

Taka dog survived a fire; now, a 13-year-old dog survived a terrible fire and was trapped on the back porch of his home in Georgia in 2018. The dog escaped by miracle only after the flames burned the floor. Deeply affected by the events, Taka also suffered severe burns all over his body, especially on his face and back. Yet, years later, he is an entirely reborn dog.

Taka Dog, the victim of a dangerous fire, found his mission in the world.

It was night, and the puppy was sleeping as usual in its box on the porch. Then, a fire broke out in the house, forcing his family to rush out to safety.

The little dog, trapped in the fence, eventually managed to get to safety just in time but suffered severe burns on its face, belly and paws.

His family, despairing at not being able to save him from the flames, was now afraid that they would not be able to pay all the costs of the puppy’s care. So they reluctantly decided to leave him in the capable hands of the Care More Animal Hospital staff.

The new life of the Taka dog survived a fire.

Not long after poor Taka’s arrival at the hospital, all the volunteers and doctors had already fallen madly in love with this beautiful puppy.

The first to take him home with her was a volunteer called Emily Martin. Unfortunately, after her initial joy, she had to resign herself to the fact that she could not keep him because he did not get along with her baby and her five other dogs.

The one who took it upon herself to look after the puppy from then on was Chrystal, one of the veterinarians who had gotten him back on his feet. In addition to massive doses of love and cuddles, the doctor devised another fantastic idea: to train him to become a therapy dog.

After hours and hours of courses and behavioural lessons, Taka was finally ready. Today, Taka is a thrilled dog who loves spending time with his mum and supporting all who have been burnt.

From a fire that could have entirely burnt out his will to live, this wonderful puppy brought out the best in himself and the many other people he helps daily. Those flames that could have burnt out his will to live ignited in the puppy a real superpower

Taka dog survived a fire. Here is his Journey

He brought Taka into us on October 23, 2018, after being burned in a house fire. After months of surgeries and tender loving care, he is a happy boy who lives with Crystal. You can follow his journey on his Facebook Page- Taka’s Journey, and on Instagram, @takajourney.

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